Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Zooming Watches - A Guide

I sometimes like put on a zoom on a watch - this is especially good for people who don't like bezels.

I can't take credit for this, and I'm not sure who first implemented it. I am sure it's very old and probably one of the first codes that spread around the watchmaker community

To get the hang of it, try adding it to an already complete watch that is open for editing/customisation

As usual there is a main script code - add this to script panel.
If you can't see this tap the little watch icon to bottom left of your watch preview

For ease copy and paste everything below that is between the lines into aforementioned script panel

--main zoom script
var_scalefactor = 1.10
var_zoomSpeed = 3.0  
tweens.scale = 1
var_scale = 1
var_zoom = 0

function tweenme(rot,f,t,d,e)
if d == nil then d = 2.0 end
if e == nil then e  = inOutCubic end
wm_schedule {action='tween', tween=rot, from =f,to = t, duration=d, easing=e } 

function zoom_out()

function zoom_in()
tap action


Now the tedious bit (sorry)

Every visible image layer has to have code added to the x and y position if not already zero
 example Position x 0 stays 0
 example Position y 95 becomes 95*tweens.scale

Also every visible image layer must have the size, both width and height (you must un-link them by tapping the little link icon)  altered with the same code
 example width 512 becomes 512*tweens.scale
 example height 125 becomes 125*tweens.scale

And if you have text layers these too must have the values altered in x and y position and font size too

And any layer that has a radius also need the code added

The good news is that if you copy the code *tweens.scale  you can paste it into every place it is needed after the numbers already there

Now add a shape and open Tap Action, then open Run Script and paste the following code

var_zoom = (var_zoom + 1) % 2
if var_zoom == 1 then 

Make this shape invisible by reducing opacity to 0

Now check that it works.

If you find that the zoom is to much or too little, then go back to the main script and look at altering

var_scalefactor = 1.10

you need increase or decrease the .10 till you have have the zoom finishing at the right place.
Every watch is different and most times a little adjustment is necessary

So find a watch, add a zoom, experiment and learn !

As I've said elsewhere I am not a coder, all that I know I learned by trial and error and occasional tips from people more experienced than me. And also from exploring the watches that are generously left unlocked so that others can learn

If you like this or know someone who might like it, then please share it

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