For some time I have been fascinated by the lovely glow effect some designers get on their watches +Cyrille LE RAY and +Chris Chastain immediately spring to mind. (check them both out - very impressive stuff !)
And I wanted to add the glow to my dim/lumes to add that little bit of reality. But my attempt to develop my own glow technique had been poor at best. I had tried to keep it all within the watchmaker app, trying to use the shader and opacity tools to get the effect, but it was not to my liking
I also tried PhotoShop Touch, but even though it's meant to be easy, I just couldn't work it out.
It wasn't until Cyrille put me onto this image editor app, with easy to use Focus tools that I got my first real success.
Simply open the image in Image Editor, and make the image as white or light coloured as you can.
Then using the Focus tab add a Gaussian effect - there are several strengths to choose from. Don't forget to save it ! I did first time...
For adding extra circumference to the glow open the same image a second time and use a Blur effect under the Focus tab. Again don't forget to save it !
Back in WatchMaker lay these two new images where you need them for that really nice glowy effect.
You may have to use the ERASER app first to get rid of extra elements you don't want to glow
Below my recent glow on a my own Chronos b10 - you can get it on +Terry Zahn's WatchAwear site
If you like this or know someone who might like it, then please share it
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