Monday, 20 June 2016

The Master Magicians of Watchmaker Watch Making

The magicians...

The masters of the dark arts ...

The Wizards that perform little miracles that we can all wear on our wrists.

These chaps put loads of effort into the behind the scenes code usually producing watches with multi choice options allowing the wearer to alter many aspects of the design of the watch usually from a menu that opens with a centre tap

So in no particular order

+Bob George
Anonochron Watchworks

Bobs watches usually allow the wearer to choose from a huge array of colour themes for both night and day. As well as choosing dim themes for day and night too, you can determine the level of brightness and decide to have burn in protection on or off.
A massive supporter of unlocked watches he lets anyone tinker with the code further for their own unique tastes.

Bobs Watches


+Frank Dufaux 

Some of the most beautiful watches you will see - a must have for people who love to tweak

Franks watches

+Olaf Habbes

Everything from unique creations to replicas with a twist

+Sean Grondin 

Highly prolific and with loads of great options - game themes, movie themes, replicas, replicas with twists - you name it Sean's tried it and if he hasn't he probably will

Seans Watches

+Cyrille LE RAY

Extremely detailed, beautiful watches and menus - everyone should have one of Cyrille's creations.
A big supporter of +Terry Zahn's WatchAwear site - not only can you find his watches there, but also some of his hands to put on your own creations

Cyrille's watches


If I've missed anyone, I apologise - but please do let me know and then I can add them to my "must see" list (after I've thrashed myself for missing them in first place !)

If you like this or think someone you know might like it then please share it and spread the word

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